I’m going to start this by making two big disclaimers:

1. An amazing lab for one person will be the worst lab for someone else. So I’m not about to list a bunch of ‘musts’ you should look for, but instead factors you need to think what fits you best & to ask about during interviews and rotations!

2. The perfect lab may not exist. If you have a lot of requirements, pick your few that you can’t compromise.

Okay, and with that out of the way, this is what I recommend keeping in mind when choosing a PI and lab for grad school!

Mentorship: how hands-on and supportive is the PI

Do you want a boss who you go to every day? Or would you prefer a more hands off PI, one who you check in with weekly ?

Future: Where the lab’s previous grad students have gone

Do their students go only to academia or only industry? Does this line up with what you might want to do after grad school? If you aren’t sure, think about choosing a lab with varied post-grad student careers.

Lab working hours

Is it a 9-5 M-F? Or will the PI expect you in on weekends? Are you okay with longer hours if it means you could finish faster, or do you want to have more flexible work hours?

Lab size

Do you want a big lab with lots of projects going on or would you prefer it to be just you and your boss?

Funding situation

Will you be expected to apply for your own grants or never have to worry about money?

Graduation & publication rate of current and past grad students

Are the students in the lab leaving at roughly the 5 year mark, and if not what’s causing the delay?

Lab Techniques

Will you be required to work with mice or other animal models? What techniques do you enjoy or want to learn?

Lab social life

How often does the lab hang out outside of work? Do you want to go grab a drink with labmates after work or would you prefer to keep work and social separate?

How lab maintenance happens in the lab

Does the lab have a lab manager or do they have a chore rotation system?

Also make sure to ask the current grad students for their opinions in addition to talking to the PI if you are serious about the lab!