If you like:

💡studying ways to improve health outcomes

💡stringent rules and creating standard operating procedures, project management

💡working with patients

💡the clinical setting without becoming a doctor or nurse

Things to keep in mind: 

📚most do not require a PhD, or an MS. They care much more about clinical research experience.

📚 some people do this as an intermediary to become a medical science liasion or as an entry level job into other clinical study jobs. 

📚still involved in research, just patient research instead of being at the lab bench.

Why take scientists?

🧪scientists understand the studies clinical trials are based on and can navigate differences between effects seen at the lab bench (in vitro, in cellulo, in vivo) vs in humans. 

🧪Trained in handling complex datasets and following protocols.

Job opportunities to keep an eye for: 

💻 Clinical Research Coordinator

Ways to learn about this career:

🗣️hands on experience with a clinical trial

🗣️take a clinical trials class or masters in clinical research

🗣️add a clinical component to your research

🗣️include a clinical committee member

Other resources