I’m Jen, and I’m a final year PhD student studying cancer biology.

I first became interested in STEM when I was around 15. I loved the TV show Grey’s Anatomy, and found biology fascinating. I thought I wanted to study Medicine at University, but after reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks when I was 16, I became interested in medical research and in particular, cancer. I studied Medical Genetics for my undergraduate degree, then did an MSc in Cancer Research, and now my PhD. I have been lucky enough to not have experienced adversity during my studies, however I do remember once being told that I was ‘too dressed up’ and ‘tried too hard’ for lectures – I was literally wearing jeans and a flowery top, just normal everyday wear for me! It made me start thinking more about being a woman in STEM and how we are treated differently to men.

I loved studying genetics during my undergraduate degree. I found the modules on cancer biology and evolutionary genetics the most fascinating – I think if I hadn’t already been set on cancer biology as a career, I would have chosen to pursue evolutionary genetics.

After my PhD, I’m planning to stay in research. After that, I don’t know!

To anybody else interested in a career in cell biology research, or cancer research specifically, I would say to always remember why you are doing it, it will keep you going when your motivation drops, and things seem hard (which they will!). Also, don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t be a scientist if that’s what you want – and be yourself!