Hi! My name is Nermina and I’m a fourth-year PhD candidate at the University of Miami studying chemistry. My research mainly falls under nanotechnology and materials chemistry. I basically study the interactions of peptides onto different nanomaterials like graphene. For my research, I use a lot of instruments that allow me to verify how well different peptides adhere to the surface which can further be used for biosensors.

My STEM Journey

So, let’s talk about my STEM journey! For my undergraduate studies, I got my B.S. degree in chemistry from Florida State University (FSU). When I first started undergrad, my dream was to go to medical school and become a cardiologist. But as I started taking classes, I realized that I did not enjoy the typical pre-med classes, so I started exploring other options. I was a chemistry major, so I knew I wanted to continue in that field. I find it so fascinating that chemistry can give us an explanation to the world around us. I ultimately got an internship called “Research experience for undergraduates” (REU) and I enjoyed it so much! I worked alongside a graduate student conducting chemistry research, specifically nanotechnology. I enjoyed working in a lab and conducting research so much that I knew that’s what I wanted to do. I returned to my university, joined a lab, and continued research in nanotech. The experience helped me realized I enjoyed the constant pursuit of knowledge and pursuing my PhD would allow me to explore that.

            Even though I knew I wanted to go to graduate school, I took time off after undergrad and became a math teacher at a local private school. The break was much needed after graduating but it also created some challenges once I started research again. It took me some time to learn how to be a student again and how to work in a lab. I had to relearn the simple things in lab such as pipetting and making stock solutions. Eventually over time, I was able to overcome those challenges with the help of my patient labmates.

Four years later and now I am starting the process of writing my thesis and looking for jobs. Currently within my field, there are many career paths, but the main ones are academia and industry-based research. In academia, there is a strong focus on teaching and conducting research at the university institution. On the other hand, industry is another option that involves conducting research in a R&D (research and development) department for various companies. I’m planning on pursuing a career in industry, however, I’m still not sure of exactly what role and which company I would like to work for. Ultimately, I will be looking at scientist and chemist roles in interdisciplinary fields that allow me to work alongside other scientists with different backgrounds.

What I’ve Learned

            One thing I have learned throughout my studies is that you will constantly be learning new things. An important reminder is that it is okay to ask questions and for help at any level! I was always so nervous to ask questions whenever I didn’t understand a topic or how to do something. I always felt like I needed to know everything, I’m a PhD student, right? But it’s okay to ask for help or clarification. The goal of a PhD in my opinion, is that you are learning how to learn and think critically. There will be times you might not understand a topic, but you have obtained the skills to use resources so you can learn and figure it out. You’re not the only one and you’re not alone.

Thank you for reading my journey and please reach out if you want to connect! My Instagram is @pieceofchemistry!